No Javascript Knowledge Required
No Javascript Knowledge Required
Product Owners or QA can write tests themselves in plain english

Easily Extendable
Easily Extendable
It's all simple regular expressions. Extend it however you want

Flexible Sentence Structure
Flexible Sentence Structure
All of the following are valid:
- When I click on the "Button"
- When I click the "Button"
- When I click the "Button" in the "Header"
- When I click a "Button" inside the "Modal"
See How Easy It Is...
See How Easy It Is...
Here are some examples. All human readable. You just need to define you selectors and you're good to go!
Scenario: Test a site out
When I open the "Home Page"
And I click on the "Get Started Button" inside of the "Header"
Then I should be redirected to the "Getting Started Page"
Scenario: Sign up for updates
When I open the "Home Page"
And I enter "toli@hoverinc.com" into the "Email Input" in the "Newsletter Form"
And I click "Submit" in the "Newletter Form"
Then I should see a "Newsletter Signup Confirmation Popup"
Scenario: I make 2 searches
When I open the "Home Page"
And I type "pickle" into the "Search Input" in the "Header"
Then the "first Result" in "Search Results" should contain "pickle"
And I replace the contents of "Search Input" in the "Header" with "scroll"
Then the "first Result" in "Search Results" should contain "scroll"
Scenario: I scroll to the bottom of the page
When I scroll to the bottom of the page
Then the "Who's Using This Section" should be visible